Biyernes, Oktubre 18, 2013

 “ The Footnote to youth"
               "By Jose Garcia Villa " 

                       It was a story of a boy who was only 17 when he decides to marry his love one.
He was dodong, and he love teang so much that he could not wait for the right age to settle down in a relationship that is hard to escape. It's the "marriage". At the age of 17 dodong and teang got married without thinking of the risk being in an uneasy part of life. They just follow what they feel. They don't think what would happen in their future. They got a child. Teang realized how hard being a young parent. Her regret of she had done and think, what would be my life if i marry my other suitors instead of dodong? Can I have the same life as of now? She regrets so much of!!
Until one day, when their son grow. He follows the footsteps of his parents. He wants to marry also at the age of 17. He told his parents what his plans. Dodong have nothing to do but explain how hard and how risky to be in "marriage "at the young age.. But like dodong before, his son also wants to pursue what he wants.

My Reflection:
          “Love can wait in the right time and in a right place, and Responsibility takes a place of an individual, that’s what I have learned from the story entitled “Footnote to youth” by Jose Garcia Villa, it brings a lot of message to the youth in our new generation especially now a day’s that we are in the world of technologies, From the story it’s all about the early marriage at the age of 17 y/o who is very young for entering into teenage Marriage, because  teenage marriage is very vulnerable, full of sacrifices and it is like a gambling.
          As a student in my younger generation dealing with other youth, I can observed that they are many young students who get involved in early marriage and pre-marital sex, who is very rampant in our society, I am thinking that in their young age they are already involved in the big responsibilities of handling a family, that supposedly that in their young age they still studying in a school, to prepare in their future to look a decent job,.
        When I was reading again  the story of footnote it always reminds me that I should wait for the right time, because in everything these always a Proper time to each, especially in getting into “Relationship” I learned that I should finish my studies first in order that in my future to come I can stand on my own feet and I can provide the needs and wants of my own family without the help coming from my parents, because it really feels good that if you already finish your studies before entering into big responsibilities of our life so that in the end I have no regrets and sorrow in my life,,
        from the bottom line of the story I learned that in every decision that I made I should to think hundred times that I may not be wrong in my decision and that I am not one of them who are irresponsible in handling a family that’s why in the story I learned that teenage marriage it remind it us how great are the responsibilities to take with,,,
                           “Learn to wait and be patient in our life”   



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