The Ibong Adarna Story is a mythical story, formed in
narrative song and poetry called corrido and considered a big part of the
Philippine literature, , Ibong Adarna was known as Corrido at Buhay na
Pinagdaanan nang Tatlong Principeng Magcacapatid na Anac nang Haring Fernando
at nang Reina Valeriana sa Cahariang Berbania.. Ibong Adarna literally means
Adarna Bird. The story centers about catching the mythical bird that possesses
magical powers. The Adarna bird is so beautiful and could change in a lot of stunning
forms. It is very much hard to catch. It knows a total of seven songs which
could either enchant anyone to sleep, turn into stone or heal a deadly
sickness. Which is why the almost dying King Fernando of Berbania tasked his
three sons to catch the magical bird. That’s where the story begins…
Don Juan and Maria Blanca became the new rulers of Reino De
Los Cristales after their wedding.
Fernando of Berbania had three sons, Pedro, Diego and Juan – of whom the last
was the favorite. He so loved Juan that when one night, he dreamed that two
traitors conspired against Don Juan, and the king became so frightened and
depressed that he did not even want to eat or take a rest, and fell sick with a
malady, of which none of the physicians of the kingdom were able to cure.
Persons were not lacking, however, who would advise him that the Adarna bird
was the only creature in the world which could restore to him his lost health
and tranquility by using its song. Acting on this advice, he sent out his
oldest son Don Pedro to look for this coveted animal. After days of wandering
through the dense forests and extensive thickets, he came to a tree of diamond,
at the foot of which he fell down tired and thirsty. He never suspected that it
was this very tree in which the famous bird was accustomed to pass the night;
and when the night was setting and the Adarna flung into the air anfd sang the
first of its seven songs; its melody was so softly sweet that Pedro was lulled
into a profound sleep. After emitting its seventh melody for the night, the
bird allowed its dropping to fall on the sleeping prince who was thereby
converted into a stone.
When Don
Pedro had not returned after the lapse of one year, the now-weakening king
asked his second son Don Diego also to launch out in search of the same bird.
Don Diego underwent the same vicissitudes and hardships and came to exactly the
same fate as Don Pedro - converted into a stone at the foot of the enchanted
tree. At last Don Juan, the youngest and most favored son was sent forth, after
his elder brothers in search of the treacherous bird. Don Juan, however, had
the fortune to meet on his way an old hermit who was impressed by the virtues
and good manners of the young prince, and knowing the mission on which he
embarked, put him on guard against the treacheries, intrigues and cunning of
the famous bird. First, he provided him with a knife and key lime, warning him
that if he wanted to free himself from the irresistible drowsiness induced by
the seven melodies of the Adarna, he had to open on his palms seven wounds and
distill into them the juice of the fruit. The pain caused by this might prevent
him from sleeping. Next, the hermit warned him to avoid any defecation that
might fall from the bird after it sung its seven songs, so that he would not
suffer the fate of his brothers. Lastly, he told him that after finishing his
seventh song the famous bird would fall sleep and that the prince should take
advantage of this occasion to take the bird prisoner. The hermit gave him a
golden cord to tie the bird when caught and two pails of water to pour over his
two petrified brothers who would bring them back to life. Don Juan did as was
bidden and soon found himself in possession of the desired bird and on his way
back to his home country with his two brothers, Don Pedro and Don Diego.
On the way, however, being envious that Juan had obtained
what they were not able to do, the two older brothers conspired between
themselves to do away with him. Pedro suggested that they should kill him but
Diego, who was less brutal, convinced Pedro that it was sufficient to beat him,
which they did. After beating Juan to whom they owed their lives, they left him
unconscious in the middle of the road as the two brothers continued on their
way to the palace. Once there in the palace, they convinced the king that they
never knew what happened to Don Juan, but the bird did not sing for it awaits
Don Juan, the captor of this bird. Don Juan woke eventually, but could not move
due to the pain caused by the beating. He prayed fervently for the health of
the king and the forgiveness of God to his brothers. He was found by a second
hermit, who healed him magically with his words. Upon return to the palace,
everyone was happy except his two brothers, worried that Don Juan might tell on
them to the king. The bird then started to sing. Its enchanted song revealed to
the king that Don Pedro and Don Diego beat up Don Juan, and that he was the
true captor of this bird.
The two were
sentenced to being cut-off from the royalty and banished, but they were
reprieved due to Don Juan being forgiving and asking to give them another
chance. They were given one; however, any consequent fault would mean death.
They enjoyed the bird; they did not treat it as a pet, but rather like a
person. So the made the three princes watch over the bird for 3 hours each
every day. Don Pedro wanted revenge, so he conspired again and forced Don Diego
to go on board with it yet again. They planned to trick Don Juan into thinking
that under his watch, the bird escaped. They successfully did it and Don Juan
set out to find the bird before the king wakes up. The king finds the bird
missing and so is Don Juan, so he tasked the two to find the bird and their
brother. They find Don Juan at Mt. Armenya, where they decide that they just
live there, on the bountiful mountain. They lived happily there and forgot the
trouble from the past.
They find a well, and decide to explore what's inside. They
argue about who goes first. They settle for the idea that Pedro, the eldest,
was the first to descend by means of a cord lowered by the two brothers who
remained above; but he had scarcely gone a third of the way when he felt afraid
and gave sign for his two brothers to pull him out of the well. Presently,
Diego was let down but he too could not go farther down than half of the way.
When it was Juan's turn to go he allowed himself to be let down to the lowest
depths of the cistern. There the prince discovered two enchanted palaces, the
first being occupied by Princess Juana who informed him she was being held
prisoner by a giant, and the second by Princess Leonora, also the prisoner of a
large seven-headed serpent. After killing the giant and the serpent, the prince
tugged on the cord and soon came up to the surface of the earth with the two
captive princesses, whom his two brothers soon wanted to take away from him.
Diego desired Princess Juana for himself and Pedro wanted Princess Leonora.
Before the parting, however, Leonora discovered that she left her ring in the
innermost recesses of the well. Juan voluntarily offered to take it for her but
when he was halfway down, the two brothers cut the rope he was descending
causing him to fall to the bottom of the well. Not long after this, wedding
bells were rung in the palace. Diego married Princess Juana but Princess
Leonora before casting her lot with Prince Pedro requested her marriage to him
delayed for a term of seven years because she might still have a chance to
unite herself with Don Juan.
Don Juan, thanks to Leonora's enchanted ring found in the
well, could avail himself of the help of a wolf which cured him of his wounds,
fix his dislocations, and bring him to the medicinal waters of the Jordan, and
took him out of the well. Already torn of all hope of ever finding the Adarna,
Don Juan resolved to return to the Kingdom. But to his confusion, he was unable
to find his way. No one could tell him precisely which was the way that would
lead him to the kingdom of his father. He came across the Adarna who told him
that he should turn his back on Leonora because Maria Blanca, the daughter of
King Salermo in Reyno de los Cristales was better. He came a hermit that
consulted all the of the animals from the surrounding areas, but none of them
could tell the prince the direction towards Reyno de los Cristales. But the
king of all these animals, a swiftly soaring eagle, having compassion for his
troubles, offered to take the prince to wherever he desired. After an epic
flight the prince and the eagle came to a distant crystal lake on whose shores
they landed to rest from their long and tiresome flight. Then the eagle related
to his companion the secrets of the crystal lake. This was the bathing place
where, in certain hours of the day, the three daughters of the most powerful
and most feared king of the surrounding regions used to dive into the water and
swim; and for this reason it was not proper for the prince to commit any
indiscretion if he desired to remain and see the spectacle of the bath. Don
Juan remained and when the hour of the bathing arrived he saw plunging into the
pure crystal water the figures of the three most beautiful princesses whom his
sinful eyes had ever seen. He then secretly hid and kept one of the princess’s
dresses. When the princess noticed the theft, her two sisters had already gone.
The prince hurriedly ran to her and on his knee begged her pardon and placed at
her feet her stolen dress and at the same time poured forth the most ardent and
tender professions of love. Pleased by his gentleness and gallant phrases, the
princess also fell in love with him; but she advised him that it would be
better for him to go away before her father would come to know of his
intrusion. If he did not do so she would be converted into another piece of
stone for the walls of the enchanted palace in which they live, in the same way
that all the other suitors who aspired for their hands had been transformed. On
being informed of the adventure of the bold prince, the king sent for him. Don
Juan, who would risk everything for the privilege of seeing his beloved,
presented himself to the king in spite of the princess' warning. The king,
greatly impressed with the youth's tact and self-possession, chose to give him
a series of tests both gigantic and impossible for ordinary mortals. After
completing these trials the king was satisfied and offered Don Juan his
However, the princess, fearing that her father might resort
to a new trick to foil their happiness, ordered the prince to direct himself to
the royal stables in order to take the best horse and have him ready for them
to flee on that same night. Unfortunately, the prince in his hurry, took the
wrong horse and the king came immediately went in pursuit of the fugitives. The
king, riding the best horse, pursued them tenaciously but through the use of
cunning magic the princess helped them to outrace the king.
When at last they found themselves safe and free, it did not
take them long before they could reach the portals of the Berbanian Kingdom.
But the prince, alleging that he should have such preparations duly made for
entry into the royal palace as are appropriate for her category and dignity,
left Doña Maria on the way promising to return for her once he had informed the
committee that was to receive her. Once in the midst of the happiness of palace
life, Don Juan soon forgot his professions of love to Doña Maria. He became
dazzled by the beauty of Princess Leonora who had been waiting for him during
all the days of his absence and he sought her hand in marriage while Doña Maria
was impatiently waiting for his return. When she came to know of the infidelity
of Don Juan, the pilgrim princess made use of the talisman which she always
carried with her and adorned with the most beautiful royal garments and carried
in a large coach drawn by eight sorrel-colored horses with four palfreys, she
presented herself at the door of the palace practically inviting herself to the
royal wedding of the Prince Juan and the Princess Leonora.
Out of respect for so beautiful a guest from foreign lands
and on the occasion of the wedding itself, there were celebrated tournaments,
in one Doña Maria succeeded in inserting as one of the number dance of a
negrito and a negrita created from nothing through her marvelous talisman. In
the dance the negrita carried a whip in her hand and with it she pitilessly
lashed her negrito partner, calling him Don Juan while she proceeded to remind
of all the vicissitudes of fortune undergone by him at the side on Doña Maria,
the part which was played by the whipping negrita: the scene of the bath, the
different tests to which he had been subjected by her father, the flight of
both that was full of accidents, and his cruel abandonment of her on the way.
Every crack of the whip which fell on the shoulders of the negrito seemed at
the time to the true Don Juan as if it was lashing his own body and flesh. At
the end of the scene, the prince repentant of his grave offense came down from
his throne to implore pardon from the princess Doña Maria and to offer her his
hand, promising to take her for his wife in the presence of all the people of
his Kingdom.
When the
king, his father Don Fernando, came to know of the rivalry of the two
princesses, Doña Maria and Doña Leonora, both aspiring to the hand of Don Juan,
he consulted with the archbishop of the kingdom on the case, the church
dignitary deciding in favor of Doña Leonora invoking for her the priority of
the right. But Doña Maria was determined to fight to the last for the prince of
her love and, taking advantage of the power of her talisman, sent all over
Barbania Kingdom a big inundation which threatened to carry away the whole
nation together with all its inhabitants. King Fernando and his subjects
trembled in the face of the imminent danger and all supplicated Princess Doña
Leonora to be content with marrying Don Pedro, the brother of Don Juan, which
she did for the good of all, occasioning for this reason a double marriage - an
occasion which brought about once more tranquility and joy to the Berbanian
One night, King Fernando had a bad
dream. He saw that his youngest Prince and his favorite, Don Juan was thrown
away in a creepy deep well. The King started to get weak for some unknown
reasons. It seemed that nothing could bring back his healthy condition. His
medical advisors told him that the only cure to his unexplained sickness is a
lullaby sung by the Adarna bird.
So King Fernando tasked his
three sons to hunt the magical bird. Don Pedro went first but he wasn’t
successful. He may have reached Mount Tabor and the tree of Piedras Platas
where the Adarna bird nested but the prince fell asleep after hearing the bird’s
song. Worse he turned into a stone when the lovely bird pooped on him. The
second prince, Don Diego went to hunt next. Unfortunately, he had the same
bitter chance like his older brother. The kingdom was counting on Don Juan, so
he went next.
The youngest prince has climbed
through Mount Tabor. He met a very old sick man who gave him tips about the
magical tree of Piedras Platas and catching the Adarna bird. Don Juan
successfully caught the bird and helped his two brothers to be human again.
Because of envy and greed of power, the two joined forces to beat Don Juan to
death and throw him in a deep well. The two then returned home with the Adarna.
However, the king’s illness went worse because the bird never sang a single
Luckily, Don Juan’s strength returned.
He has been healed by the poor old man he helped in the mountain. He came back
to the Kingdom of Berbania. King Fernando has known the truth when the bird
started singing after seeing Don Juan. The King went well and stronger than
ever. He wanted to punish his two sons but Don Juan asked his father to just
forgive them. The King granted his request and asked the three princes to guard
the Adarna bird. Because of Don Pedro, the bird flew away and escaped. Don Juan
went away from the kingdom so the king won’t punish his brother.
King Fernando asked the two princes
to look for Don Juan. They found him in the kingdom of Armenia. They decided to
live there. One day they found an interesting well. Only Don Juan went down
inside successfuly. He found two lovely princesses, Donya Juana and Donya
Leonora captive by a giant serpent. Because of his skills in fighting, the
mighty prince has killed the serpent and saved the two princesses. Don Pedro
envied the young prince. He cut the rope when the prince went down inside the
well to get the ring Donya Leonora has forgotten. Anyway, it was easy for Don
Diego to make Donya Juana to fall in love with him. So when they came back to
Berbania, they married. On the other hand, Don Pedro did everything to pursue
Donya Leonora but he failed.
An enchanted fox helped Don Juan and
he was quickly healed. The Adarna bird appeared suddenly and told him about the
princess of Reyno delos Cristales, his love destiny. He immediately searched
for the princess and found out about the cruel King Salermo. In spite of the
obstacles the cruel king has given him, he faced them all and succeeded with
the help of Maria Blanca, daughter of King Salermo. Because of the selfish
king, the two tried to escape. Maria Blanca was cursed to be crawling like a
snail and be forgotten by the prince Don Juan.
Don Juan has returned to Berbania
where he was welcomed by his mother, Queen Valeriana and Princess Leonora. He
has forgotten about Maria Blanca because of Princess Leonora. Don Juan and
Princess Leonora were scheduled to wed. At the day of the wedding, Maria Blanca
visited wearing the emperatris. She tried to bring back all the memories and
remind Don Juan about their love. Finally, Don Juan and Princess Maria Blanca
got married while Princess Leonora married Don Pedro. In the end, Don Pedro
became the new king of Berbania while Don Juan became the king of Reyno delos
Cristales. ....
Ø Haring
Fernando- Don Pedro, Don Diego and Don Juan's
father. Known to be a good leader.
Ø Donya Valeriana- Haring Fernando's Wife and the queen of
Ø Don Pedro- The eldest among the three. He is envious
with his brother Don Juan.
Ø Don Diego- The second eldest. Also the assistant of Don
Pedro in Sabotaging Don Juan.
Ø Don Juan- The youngest of the three. He is the favorite
of their parents and the one who caught the Ibong Adarna.
Ø Donya Maria Blanca- Don Juan's
last love and the princess of the "Reino de los Cristal". She is also
haring Salermo's favorite daughter but later in the story, will betray him.
Ø Prinsesa Leonora- Don
Juan's second love and the princess of "Armenya". She was saved by
Don Juan from the Serpent that guards her tower.
Don Juan's First love and the elder sister of
Leonora. She was saved by Don Juan from the Giant that guards her tower.
Ø Haring Salermo- Donya Maria's father and the king of
"Reino de los Cristal". He challenges Don Juan so that he would know
how much he really loves Maria and how would he fight for Maria.
Ø Arsobispo- the
pope and the one who will judge on who deserves Don Juan (an argument between
Leonora and Maria)
Ø Serpiyente- The one that guards Leonora.
Ø Higante- T he one that
guards Juana.
Ø Lobo- Leonora's canine that saves Don Juan from
Ø Ermitanyo1,2,3
and 4- They help
Don Juan in surviving the challenges.
- Ø Ibong Adarna- Known to be a beautiful bird that cures any kind of illnesses. It is said that it lives on a forest in Tabor. (some said that this bird is also Donya Maria).
“My Reflection”
“Ibong Adarna story was very
known and it is not new to hear in our two ears, for me it is one of my
favorite story when I was in high school and even now in my college life,
because it brings and inspires a lot of values that I can get in the story like
the values of a family, friends and the sacrifices for the one you love, in a
story alone it focuses in the family and sacrifices for love,
all know that in a family, we experience trouble, jealousy in a one member of
our family, the ups and downs, and the threat, If I am going to compare it
looks like a jungle that full of adventure, and through that adventure we
experience along we step in the land, the learning’s from the past but the most
important it in the family whatever the negative and positive that we
experience we should learned how to forgive and love each other even it brings
a scars in our heart, but still we should ready to forgive and give a second
chance, because those problem that we encounter in our different families is
still a part of a test given by God if how long our faith to him , because he
will not give a test to us if he know that we cannot surpass it… Because at the
end family is still a family, whatever happens, “Blood is thicker than water”.
And that is the one value that I’ve learned and I will never forget it,,
The second one is to understand
each other and ready to sacrifice and ready to take a risk in order to save the
one you love like Don Juan did to his father and his love one Juana,, To love
someone is to understand each other and ready to sacrifice and to trust one
another even how long the distance it is. And learn to wait in the right time ,
because in loving someone , we should sacrifice everything , ready to hurt and
the aches that we experience along the way, and ready to strive hard in life,
In the story there’s a lot of Magical event
happened and hard to explain , but it also like in our life that full of
Mysteries that even us we cannot easily understand but through the mysteries in
our life we learn a lot of it until the last breath of our life.
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